Grace comes to us in two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. Vertical grace centres on our relationships with God. Freeing us from the demands and the condemnation of the Mosaic Law, vertical grace gives hope to the sinner by not only providing eternal life, but also freeing us from any requirement to pay back God. Vertical grace is truly amazing! Horizontal grace centres on our relationships with others. Relieved from our guilt and shame, when we walk in grace, we’re free from the tyranny of pleasing people. We’re free from their demands and expectations, and they’re free from ours. When we demonstrate horizontal grace, we accept others as they are. We have no personal agenda to make anyone be someone he or she is not. Horizontal grace is truly charming! In this lesson, let’s turn our attention to that horizontal dimension and learn to help others find the same freedom God grants us, as we accept them as they are and release them to learn and grow.