Resource Library

Deepening Our Roots with God

After 13 years of silence, during which Abram had to learn to wait on God’s timing, the Lord finally appeared with changes and challenges. The Patriarch’s time in silence wasn’t wasted. Through his example, we can learn how to quiet ourselves, listen to God’s voice, overcome doubts, and step out in obedience.

Running ahead of God

Impatience allows the enthusiasm of the flesh to eclipse the work of the Spirit. God often says, “Wait,” but our flesh always says, “Now!” This tension creates the perfect condition for believers to run ahead of God. God has a plan, but we struggle with His timing. Instead of waiting on Him, we take matters into our own hands.

Abram, the Great-Hearted

Sadly, in our fallen world, small-hearted people are the norm, making the few genuinely great-hearted people stand out all the more. Among their thin ranks stands Abram, who not only gave his short-sighted nephew the choicest land but also rescued him when his choice got him into trouble! We can learn a lot from Abram, the great-hearted.
