Bulldog Persistence
Even when it appears someone has achieved success overnight, it’s usually the result of persistence and perseverance. Whatever the task is, stay at it!
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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Even when it appears someone has achieved success overnight, it’s usually the result of persistence and perseverance. Whatever the task is, stay at it!
Forgiveness doesn’t come easily and often has conditions. But truly forgiving someone, with no strings attached, is one of the most liberating things you can do.
Grace is a difficult concept, but when we do finally understand it, grace changes our lives and our relationships. Instead of trying to control and manipulate others, we begin to see things from the other person’s perspective.
There are four types of friends: acquaintances, casual friends, close friends, and intimate friends. While we may only have one or two intimate friends, they’re the people who help to make the journey a little easier.
When we’ve been wronged, it’s tough to see things from the other person’s perspective. But when we do that, it’s grace in action. Grace lived out in our everyday lives revolutionizes our relationships.
To face the world with confidence, children need security, faith, and courage. Security comes from knowing the truth. Faith is strengthened when we believe the truth. And courage is the result of acting on the truth.
Don’t neglect the here and now while waiting for the hereafter. Today is part of eternity. And it matters how we live.
Never discount anything of your past. God can pick it up and use it in the most incredible ways. If you have skills or talents you've put on the back burner, don't be surprised if one day you find yourself in a position where God gives you an opportunity to use them again. He draws from your life experiences at just the right time and in just the right place.
Being left behind is a bad feeling. No one likes being out in the cold. But there will come a day when many people will know that awful feeling. It’s the day of the Second Coming when those without Christ will be left behind. This is a lighthearted look at Christ's return.
Tragic situations are transformed when God steps in. And He takes the most (seemingly) insignificant things to transform. Underdogs become overcomers, weaknesses turn into strengths, and obstacles are nothing but opportunities that launch significant events.