What it Means to Nurture Children
You nurture when you cultivate your children and help them know who they are. It's a bit like cultivating bamboo. You put a lot of work in and don't see many results at first but perseverance pays off!
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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You nurture when you cultivate your children and help them know who they are. It's a bit like cultivating bamboo. You put a lot of work in and don't see many results at first but perseverance pays off!
There are few things cuter than the cluelessness of children. However, there are few things more tragic than an adult living a clueless life.
Old habits are hard to break. Sometimes we do what is wrong inadvertently, but sometimes we know we’ve done wrong but because we’ve done it so long we don’t stop—even though we hurt ourselves and sometimes others.
We all have special gifts and abilities from God. While it's good to venture out of our comfort zones, here's a humorous illustration of why we shouldn’t force people to go too far outside the area of their gifting.
Your child needs you to help know who he is. Parents, spend more time affirming and encouraging your child for what he does right than for disciplining and correcting for what he does wrong. Children get security from their parents to know who they are, to like who they are, and to be who they are.
Raising kids is neither an easy task nor for the faint-hearted. Here are a few humorous tests to determine if you're ready for kids. New parent? You're going to love this LifeTrac!
There is more than one kind of stealing. Sometimes we have to confront one another but be careful of how you do this because you may be guilty of the same thing! Pay people what you owe them. If you don't, you are stealing—that's how it works!
When self-esteem is missing from our lives we erect defences, wear masks, or become clowns. But when we have self-esteem we are able to love, give of ourselves, and pull the best out of others.
Aging is inevitable. Before we know it, we're halfway through life. If you're going through a mid-life crisis, now is a good time to make some positive changes. Start by putting joy and laughter back into your life.
In your family you will discover clues revealing maturity happening in your children. Tell them so. Let them go. Here is Chuck Swindoll's story about his first car and how he learned a lesson in maturity and responsibility.