Five Characteristics of a Good Friend
In a crisis a true friend cares enough to visit without an invitation, is sympathetic and comforting, expresses deep feelings, isn’t turned off by unpleasant sights, and says very little.
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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In a crisis a true friend cares enough to visit without an invitation, is sympathetic and comforting, expresses deep feelings, isn’t turned off by unpleasant sights, and says very little.
As Christians we’re called to be gracious and loving, but we’re not called to be doormats. Sometimes enough is enough.
If you wrestle with depression don’t blame yourself. Everyone experiences episodes of despair. While it’s temping to isolate yourself it’s important to seek a close friend or trusted counsellor who can help you through this difficult time.
When you offer advice be careful what you assume about the person’s situation. And seek to uplift rather than criticize.
Here are three ways to prepare for Christ’s coming. First place your belief in Christ, Second resist a corrupt lifestyle. And third live in a sensible, godly way. Live as if Christ might come today.
We tend to get angry when things don’t go the way we want. A good sense of humour can turn irritation into laughter. Next time things don’t go your way refuse to let your circumstances dampen your joy.
If you’re feeling discouraged instead of letting your circumstances feed your fear, focus on the Lord and trust, pray, and praise. Your circumstances may not change but through this process you will.
Anger is a God-given emotion and it’s not necessarily sinful. The Bible acknowledges that anger needs safeguards and teaches us how to control it.
We’re all curious about the future, but we need to accept the fact that many aspects of God’s truth remain a mystery. As Christians our job is to stay alert and ready for the Day of the Lord.
The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about human nature. And it’s full of wisdom—especially for young people who want to live life to the fullest.