Worship: A Commitment...Not a War, Part Two
In an attempt to come to an understanding of worship, it is helpful to realize there is a difference between the essence of worship and the expression of worship.
In an attempt to come to an understanding of worship, it is helpful to realize there is a difference between the essence of worship and the expression of worship.
People are sometimes uncomfortable with the notion that God is sovereign and in complete control. We prefer to think we're in charge of our own destiny. But in this message, Chuck Swindoll assures us that the sovereignty of God is our greatest comfort.
Living happily ever after isn’t usually God’s plan for us, but what He does have in store for us is a great adventure. Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth.
Christians are unwise when they remain out of touch and live in secrecy. Being responsible includes being accountable, not just to God but also to one another. If carried out in the power and under the control of the Holy Spirit, accountability can be one of the most secure and reassuring facets of our Christian experience.
Honouring one another is essential for healthy relationships. Take time to show your loved ones how much you value and cherish them. You’ll never regret the time you spend nurturing these relationships.
Even though relationships aren’t easy, life would be pretty dull and lonely without them. In spite of our high-tech world, people remain an essential ingredient in life.
Being involved means more than shaking hands with people on your way out of a church service—it’s investing in the lives of others.
Itʼs a bit dismaying to realize that you’re going to be spending eternity with people in the family of God you don’t even speak with on earth! Quite frankly, when someone has wounded us with his or her sharp quills, it’s natural to want to keep our distance. But we do need each other, needles and all!
A sermon will not meet our needs—we need someone to hear, someone to feel the blows in our life, someone to help us cushion the heavy weight when it drops down on us. We need to assimilate into the body of Christ.
Prejudice is a learned trait, but it can be unlearned. It takes a renewed mind to remove the blinders of prejudice and see people for who they are...instead of what they look like.