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Joshua records the culmination of Israel's journey to the Promised Land. Here God fulfils His promise to give them the land of Canaan.

Read more about the book of Joshua.

Messages on this Scripture

Creating a Legacy of Responsibility

The 18th century preacher Jonathan Edwards wrote 70 resolutions before the age of 20. He knew obstacles were inevitable, so many of his resolutions were written to address this challenge. No matter the difficulties that came before him, he resolved to continue upon the path laid out for him by God. That’s responsibility, which is our topic for this message.

Achan: The Man Whose Sin Brought Calamity

Two things make Achan’s story especially sad. First, it occurred so suddenly on the heels of an incredible victory—the miraculous invasion of Jericho. And second, it resulted in a devastating toll on so many others. One man—a single, isolated individual—deliberately chose to disobey, yet numerous innocent victims fell in the wake of his sin, bringing calamity to a nation.
