Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Houdini’s Secret, Part Two

Few characteristics are more contagious, more magnetic. I’m convinced that one of the reasons God gives us so many personal promises in His Word is to stir up our enthusiasm—to build a bonfire in the steam-room of our souls.

The Problem with Progress, Part Two

Are you an eagle-type, soaring to heights beyond your peers? Do you find yourself bored with the maintenance of the machinery...yawning through the review of the rules...restless to cut a new swath...excited rather than intimidated by the risks? Don’t expect pats on the back or great waves of applause. Not today.

The Turning Point, Part Two

“I want to know Him. I also want to model the power outflowing from His Resurrection. And I certainly want to be continually transformed into His likeness... which requires accepting my share of suffering.”

The Turning Point, Part One

Looking back, I distinctly remember the turning point. No heavenly vision caused my attitude to change. My resentment toward God didn’t decrease because of some audible voice in the night. I can trace the acceptance of my circumstance and the shift of my focus to a single verse of Scripture.

Grandparenting, Part Two

Grandparents. What amazing gifts from God. Generation after generation He provides a fresh set of ever-present counterculture in our busy world. Lest everyone else get so involved they no longer stop to smell the flowers or watch tiny ants hard at work, these special adults are deposited into our lifestyle account.

Grandparenting, Part One

Webster—the old codger—would’ve been a good stand-in for Scrooge. Or maybe he was like the late W. C. Fields and just didn’t like kids. On the other hand, he probably played everything by the rulebook and didn’t let his emotions get in the way of his literary contribution.
