Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

God’s Pastures Are Green

In our hectic, hurried, harassed age in which headache medications have become the bestselling national product, we must occasionally be made to lie down by our Shepherd-Saviour.

Biblical Thinking

I want to be quite direct with you. Secular thought has taken a tragic toll on the servant of God's distinctiveness. 

Flexible and Willing

God says we are to be "imitators" of Him, which really means we are to "mimic" Him. Since God is a God of freshness and change, so we should be. 

In the World, Not of It

Begin each day by renewing your sense of reverence for God. Start each new day by talking to the Lord, even if that early morning talk has to be brief. 
