Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Put on Your Theological Cap

In those seasons when it’s difficult to see God’s purpose and promise, remember where your hope and encouragement are found—in the person and purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Seeking Wisdom

When bringing about plans, making decisions, or solving life’s challenges, we must intentionally resist the temptation to fall back on common sense or trust even our instincts.

Refreshed by the Spirit

The Spirit not only takes over control but washes away the dust of sin and brings new life, fresh perspective, divine enablement, and great joy!

Givin’ While You’re Livin’

Are you experiencing the joy of releasing your wealth while you’re still on the planet, as Abraham and Sarah did? If not, what steps can you take today to begin that process?

Are You Available?

Listen to the Spirit’s leading. If you sense you’re too “booked up,” then you probably are. Re-evaluate. Be available.

Blessed Are the Gentle

A gentle servant brings a soothing, calming presence into a room filled with angst. A gentle servant-father offers comfort at just the right time and in just the right doses.

Peekaboo, God Sees You

Though we may deceive ourselves by acting as if no one really knows or cares about what’s going on in our lives, God’s Word makes clear that nothing could be further from the truth

A Recipient of Generosity

While financial generosity is certainly noteworthy, my question above includes your time and personal presence and assistance, given liberally, with no strings attached.
