An Imperfect Christmas
In your efforts to create a “Martha Stewart Christmas,” are you missing the season’s true meaning? Let this humorous message help you focus on Christ—the gift that still saves lives.
In your efforts to create a “Martha Stewart Christmas,” are you missing the season’s true meaning? Let this humorous message help you focus on Christ—the gift that still saves lives.
How big is your God? Chuck Swindoll asks us to consider this question as he begins this new series. We’re learning to pray big, audacious prayers to the God of limitless possibilities.
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? Does it mean keeping your dogs from barking at night and lending your neighbour eggs when they run out? Or, is it a higher calling? Chuck Swindoll describes the biblical standard for neighbourly love in this message.
I want to be wholly rooted in Scripture and willing to jettison anything that keeps me from pursuing Him. I have made a list of things that I want to do this year to “shake it up”—to keep myself open and winsome and spiritually agile.
Have you felt alone or isolated during 2020 or 2021? Then this conversation with Pastor Chuck Swindoll is for you.
What’s the key to winning people for Christ? Is it a convincing argument or an emotional church service? Perhaps a specific formula of verses and prayers? In this message, Chuck Swindoll explains the most important factor in evangelism.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? How do you perceive yourself? Someone has said, “Perceptions are reality.” Someone else said, “Whatever you think you are—you are!”
Here is a bold statement: If you see yourself as a sinner, saved by grace, you will sin and your Christian life will be mediocre at best. You will be riddled with guilt and open to Satan’s attack along that line. In other words, what we believe about ourselves determines our behaviour. One of Satan’s most successful schemes is that of keeping Christians ignorant of their true identity in Christ.
How do you find a healthy church? This article will give you some ideas. But first—and most importantly—pray. Ask the Lord to lead you in your search.
Many of us can readily recreate a mental picture of the church we grew up in…the building, the people, and the preaching. Chuck Swindoll invites us to go back much further, to examine an original snapshot of the very first church.
The amazing truth is that in Jesus God became flesh like us and came to be with us in person. Then He died for our sins and was raised from the dead to bring salvation and continue to be present with us.