Resource Library

New Testament

Do you ever struggle to understand how the Old and New Testaments fit together? If we think of the Old Testament as pages of promise, then how does the New Testament complete and fulfil God’s plan for us?

No fulfilment can surpass Jesus Christ, who burst onto the scene—and eventually left it—in a most dramatic and unexpected fashion. Learn what each of the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—teaches us about Jesus, and be encouraged by the first Christians who boldly proclaimed the name of Christ in the book of Acts. In reading the New Testament you’ll discover at the centre of your hope stands a person—One who has come and One who will come again.

Resources on this Topic

2 Thessalonians: Christ's Coming...My Response

Within these 47 verses, we find such helpful insights as the purpose of persecution as well as the importance of diligence, Bible study, personal discipline, minding our own business, and choosing the right companions. As we explore this letter, let’s be sensitive to what God is saying—as it relates both to His prophetic plan and to His practical advice. Both are of equal importance.

1 Thessalonians: A Heart-to-Heart Talk

Although brief (fewer than 90 verses), this letter outlines such practical matters as a church model worth emulating, a philosophy toward ministry worth following, a commitment to purity worth remembering, a hope of Christ’s coming worth anticipating, and a love for fellow Christians worth duplicating.

Colossians: Christ, Our All in All

Colossians is the chart and compass, which will enable us to sail a straight course between the dangers of viewing Christianity as merely a philosophy and of making it a lifestyle of rigidity. How we need this little yet potent letter! Beset by gnostic heresy and harassed by Greek philosophy, the saints at Colossae were in danger of losing their way. Paul wrote to help them get back on course.

Ephesians: True Portrait of the Church

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is foundational to the doctrine of the universal church, the earthly body of Christ. It is here we learn of spiritual gifts and their purpose in the church, the proper relationships between family members at home, and the armour of God for His people. No serious student of Scripture remains ignorant of Ephesians. Its insights, principles, and practical admonitions are essential to our growth toward Christian maturity.

Romans: Cornerstone of Christian Truth

As we explore the deep, rich mine of God’s truth in Romans, we do so with great gratitude to Him who led Paul to write these words. Like no other book of the Bible, Romans forms the doctrinal cornerstone of Christianity. Because it touches on every major belief of Christianity, it is foundational to our faith.
