Keeping the Greatest Thing the Main Thing
Do not get so busy doing for Christ that you neglect being with Christ. Love is the greatest thing, but for it to thrive, it must be the main your your your worship.
In a day when half of all marriages fail, we all need insight that stands the test of time. We need wisdom from Scripture to equip us to transform our own union from a lacklustre contract into an intimate and exciting relationship.
Whether you're recently engaged, just realizing the honeymoon is over, or celebrating your golden anniversary, Insight for Living remains committed to helping couples cultivate honesty, exhibit grace, and experience a joy and intimacy in marriage that they never thought possible.
Do not get so busy doing for Christ that you neglect being with Christ. Love is the greatest thing, but for it to thrive, it must be the main your your your worship.
We all know love is important to marriage. But how much thought do we give to grace in marriage? It can make all the difference in a relationship.
Men are especially vulnerable to temptation in times of stress. A wife’s emotional support is critical and these times. Husbands need the wisdom, perspective, and spiritual strength of their spouses.
Anyone can rebel—it comes easily to us. But it takes great strength of character to be humble and live in submission to others.
How a husband treats his wife speaks volumes about his character. A masculine and secure husband honours his wife, and he allows her the freedom to be herself.
Because of God’s grace Christians live a different life, a holy life. Holiness is a lifestyle of integrity and moral excellence.
I accept you, I believe you’re valuable, I care when you hurt, I desire what’s best for you, and I erase all offences. Chuck Swindoll calls this the A-B-Cs of love.
Are you married? Single? Something else? Whatever your status, acceptance is key. Discontentment can rob you of your enthusiasm for life.
We all know what it’s like to get those feelings in the pit of our stomachs when we sense something just isn’t right. In these times it’s important to listen to our intuition and slow down—especially before making a big decision.
Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require nurturing. Doing something as simple as writing a poem or even a note expressing your love can be the first step in rekindling that romantic spark.