“Living forgiven opens the door for us to live our lives with freedom.” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
Every Christian must leap over two hurdles at some point on the path of spiritual growth. First, Christians must take God at His Word that they are fully forgiven of their sins—past, present, and future. Second, Christians must unburden themselves from the nitpicky, religious scruples of legalistic Christians.
Both happen only by the Spirit’s power. Both must happen before we can live freely and confidently in Christ. Have you taken these two steps in your Christian journey?
Many struggle with at least one. Some have incriminating memories from their non-Christian past. Such thoughts spring to mind creating guilt, shame, and humiliation. Others struggle to achieve freedom from the judging eyes of modern-day Pharisees who enslave them with rules that are impossible to keep.
Wherever you find yourself on the spiritual path, studying Colossians 2:13–23 will help you conquer those obstacles. Pastor Chuck Swindoll wants you to live freely in Christ, assured that your sins are completely forgiven and that you are released from others’ expectations that poison your spiritual growth instead of nourishing it.
To help you on the path, Pastor Chuck provides three application principles from his study of Colossians 2:13–23.
- Be strong in God’s Word. Keep worshipping Christ, making Him Lord of your heart
- Refuse and resist all other substitutes. Keep choosing Christ, reminding yourself He’s all you need and that your life is eternally secure with Him. One day, you will see Him as He is and be like Him
- Don’t be afraid to risk living unshackled. Your master is Christ. More than anyone else, He cares for your good. And better than anyone else, He can achieve your good
Father, You are my guide, my light, my comforter, my provider. Free me from being dominated by the shame and guilt of my past sins and empower me to live as You have called me to live—as it is written, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” His name be praised. Amen.
“Living Forgiven…Living Free” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Jesus Christ, Our All In All: A Study of Colossians. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.