Picture with me this scene from one of my favourite stories....
Go back with me to the year 1943. A bombing mission was taking place over Germany. The flying crew in this squadron had flown so many missions together, they felt like a family. But they were worried as they approached a heavily fortified area near the border of Germany.
As their B-17 Flying Fortress crossed over into enemy territory, German airships swarmed around the plane and heavy anti-aircraft shells began to explode all around. The plane bounced in the sky, and every gunner fought for his life. The chaplain, who had climbed onboard for this mission, looked over the crew and realized it was time to reassure them. He grabbed the intercom and said, “It’s alright, men. Have no fear. God is with you.”
Without hesitation, the tail gunner shouted back, “God may be up front with you guys, but He sure ain’t back here!”
Suddenly, an enemy shell tore through the tail of the plane and passed out the top without exploding, leaving a gaping hole below where it came in and above where it went out. After a moment of stunned silence, the tail gunner added, “Correction. God just walked in!”
I don’t know four words that better describe the first Christmas than those spoken by that startled tail gunner. A power-mad Roman dictator occupied the throne, everything seemed out of control, and terror filled the world. Then suddenly, God just walked in!
Instead of an enemy shell, it was a host of angels who surprised a group of shepherds to announce the entrance of God’s Son. God’s surprise brought unspeakable relief—salvation, peace, and joy.
God’s surprises still bring relief.
I’ll never forget when that truth hit home for me. It was Christmas Eve,1958. I was a young marine stationed in Okinawa. Our company was on manoeuvres and had flown to northern Japan where we had set up temporary barracks. We were on liberty for the holidays, and with some buddies, I had taken a train to Tokyo. My friends had gone off to do what most marines do when they’re on liberty—find trouble. I had chosen to sit alone in a pitiful, small Japanese restaurant, sipping a pop and feeling sorry for myself. It was the loneliest Christmas of my life.
Lord, I lamented, What am I doing here? I’m 8,000 miles from the one I love the most and all my family. I can’t stand it! I am totally confused about why You brought me here. What are You up to?
Suddenly, a song came on over the speakers—in English. The familiar Christmas carol “O Come, All Ye Faithful” filled that Japanese restaurant. My heart stirred as the chorus repeated:
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him;
O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!
It was as if God had just walked into that restaurant, took a seat at my table, and said to me, “Listen to these words. I want you to do them.”
God wanted me to adore Him, despite my confusion. He wanted my heart to be open to Him—to say a loud “Yes!” to His will for my life...to do whatever He led me to do, to go wherever He led me to go...to adore Him above all others, Christ, the Lord.
With my veil of self-pity tossed aside, I was flooded with relief. God had to take me as a young marine to Japan to remove all the distractions that normally would have preoccupied me at Christmastime so that I could be with Him and adore Him.
I was still physically by myself. My situation hadn’t changed, but I had changed. What a difference it made when God walked into my world with a message I hadn’t been open to before!
That night, the direction of my life took a whole new turn. When she read my letters, Cynthia was thrilled to hear what God was doing in me. Eventually, I returned home and began to study for the ministry. God had taken me overseas to show me the value of adoring Him, bowing before Him, and serving Him as Lord.
What about you? The holidays can be lonely times for many folks, not just military personnel far from home. If this Christmas finds you alone, watch for God’s unexpected invitation to experience a closeness with Him that you’ve never known before. God just walked in that first Christmas when the world seemed gloomiest. This Christmas, He may surprise you with His loving presence. He may just walk in...and, oh, the relief He will bring!
O Come All Ye Faithful
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant;
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold Him—born the King of angels!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him—Christ, the Lord!
True God from true God, Light from light eternal,
born of a virgin, a mortal He comes;
very God, begotten, not created!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him—Christ, the Lord!
Sing, choirs of angels; sing in exultation;
O sing, all ye bright hosts of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him—Christ, the Lord!
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n;
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him!
O come, let us adore Him—Christ, the Lord!
John Francis Wade, “O Come All Ye Faithful,” trans. Frederick Oakeley, in The Celebration Hymnal: Songs and Hymns for Worship (n.p.: Word Music/Integrity Music, 1997), hymn 249.