When I’m in the midst of change I often wonder if I’m following God’s guidance or just doing what I want. In truth I’m never 100 per cent certain but I forge ahead anyway. When I look back I can see His guidance every step of the way. So why do I doubt?
The Bible is filled with the stories of people relying on God’s direction. People like Abraham, Joseph, Paul, and Moses. People who, without knowing how the story would end, followed God’s guidance wherever He led them. Maybe resting in Christ is more about faith than feelings.
As a child I learned about the Fact-Faith-Feeling train. Fact is at the front—the engine—with faith right behind. Feelings make up the rear as the caboose. Looking at the Christian life in this way clears up some of my confusion about faith.
What are the facts? First, I need to decide what I believe. My belief is based on a loving God who created me and sent His Son to die in my place so I will have eternal life. It is based on a Bible without error, which teaches me about the character of God and how to live.
Where is my faith? Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the confident assurance in what God has revealed and what we hope for is going to happen. The Bible says God does not change, and I must choose to believe this even when it’s not easy.
Why not feelings? Pulled in behind fact and faith is feeling. I’ve learned my emotions are not always accurate and sometimes lack perspective. When my life becomes stressful I don’t feel good. But what I feel at any moment doesn’t change whether or not God is present.
Jesus says He will reveal Himself to those who love Him and obey His commands (John 14:21), so I must not only make sure to do so, but believe He will reveal Himself to me. Looking at faith this way, the best I can reason is I can find rest in God’s presence by knowing Jesus and having faith that He will do what He says—regardless of whatever else is happening.