This inductive study is designed to create a better understanding of heaven. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Scripture uses numerous images and metaphors to depict what heaven is like. However, we can only comprehend heaven dimly, “...like puzzling reflections in a mirror” (1 Corinthians 13:12). We understand “...no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Ultimately heaven is about the Person, not the place.
- Read John 14:2,3; Psalm 14:2. If heaven is a real place, where is it? Is heaven literally above or is it a metaphor conveying a higher reality of existence?
- Read John 3:16, 36. Do you have assurance you will go to heaven when you die? Who gets into heaven? What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?
- Read Luke 23:26-43. Good works won’t get you into heaven. How is this demonstrated when Jesus told the thief he would enter paradise?
- Read 2 Corinthians 12:2-4. Paul describes heaven as paradise where God is and which is a place of bliss. Which description appeals to you more?
- Read Revelation 2:7. What did Adam lose that will be regained in heaven? Why is the use of the word “paradise” (NLT) in this verse significant?
- Read Psalm 11:4; 73:25. Heaven is God’s dwelling place and heaven is identified with Him. Why is this central to all your conceptions of heaven?
- Read 1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:11. Does heaven sound like a crowded place to you? Who else is in heaven and what are they doing?
- Read 1 John 3:2; Revelation 22:4. What other great experience is promised to those who are saved? What will that mean to you?
- Read John 14:2. What characteristics does the phrase “Father’s house” suggest to you? To what would you contrast it and what is appealing about it?
- Read Luke 16:9. What does this say about how the righteous will be received into heaven? What will they receive once there? Why is heaven home?
- Read Luke 16:22-23. How do you relate this imagery of Abraham at the heavenly banquet to John 13:23 where John lies next to Jesus at the table?
- Read Revelation 19:1-9. What does the imagery of the great wedding feast indicate will be the experience of believers in the presence of Christ? What’s appealing about this to you?
- Read Genesis 17:8; Hebrews 11:9-10. How does this show that New Jerusalem, which will be part of the new earth, is a fulfilment of the promise to Abraham?
- Read Revelation 21:1-4. New Jerusalem, the dwelling place of God, descends to the earth. How does this show that believers while in heaven will dwell on the new earth?
- Read Revelation 21:1-4; 10-27. What are the characteristics of New Jerusalem? What’s indicated by the vastness? What do the metaphors indicate about the glory of the city?
- Read Revelation 21:12-13. If there is no evil why is the city guarded by angels? What might this suggest about the safety and security of heaven?
- Read Revelation 21:1-2; Hebrews 12:22-24; 13:14. Believers are already citizens of New Jerusalem. What does it mean for you to live in the world yet be a citizen of heaven?
- Read 1 Peter 2:11. If you are considered a refugee and alien on earth, what does that indicate about what heaven is to you? How does that fact impact you?
- Read Colossians 3:2. How often do you reflect on heaven? Does it impact your life now? How does setting your mind on heaven impact how you live?
- Read Romans 5:2; 8:17. What does Paul say will happen to believers? What does this consist of? Will your body of limitations and weakness from sin be gone?
- Read Hebrews 9:15; 1 Peter 1:4. In contrast to the inheritance of the land the Israelites lost what are the characteristics of your heavenly inheritance?
- Read Matthew 19:29. Have you given up much to follow Christ? What does Jesus say you will receive for your sacrifice? How is eternal life a reward?
- Read Matthew 5:11-12; 6:19-21; Revelation 14:13. The deeds done on earth will impact life in heaven. What are other rewards besides eternal life? How do you achieve them?
- Read 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7; Revelation 14:13. What kind of rest is promised here? Why is this appealing to those who’ve struggled? What experiences make you long for this rest?
- Read Revelation 7:9-12; Psalm 16:11. What is the crowning wonder of your experience in heaven? What is the major activity in heaven?
- Read Revelation 22:3. What experience will occupy you in heaven? How will this be meaningful activity for you while fulfilling the goal of why you were originally created?
- Read Jude 24; 1 Peter 1:8. Why do some Christians lack joy? Which emotion is a chief characteristic of heaven? If this is your hope does it affect your life?
- Read Revelation 7:16-17; 21:4. What will not be present in heaven? Does it make you homesick for your heavenly home? What things cause you grief now but will not be in heaven?
- Read 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1. These verses foretell a new heaven and earth (universe) similar yet dissimilar to the old one. What do you imagine it will be like?
- Read 2 Peter 3:14. Believers are promised an inheritance of a new earth free from sin’s corruption. How does this (or how should it) motivate you to holy living now?