Grace is a Big Deal
Coming to grips with God’s grace will loosen your inclination for sin. Once your faith is placed in Jesus and you’ve experienced His forgiveness, sin’s dominance will be loosed from your life.
The word forgiveness draws various reactions. If we’re talking about God’s forgiveness of us, it can be a soothing topic resulting in gratitude and peace. If we need to seek forgiveness from someone we’ve wronged, we might wrangle a bit with our pride before we finally approach that person in humility—but our resulting cleared conscience makes it well worth the effort.
Usually, however, the most uncomfortable kind of forgiveness is what we must extend to someone who has wronged us or hurt us deeply. The Bible says a lot about this kind of forgiveness—perhaps because our emotions arm wrestle with it and other lingering memories skirmish with it. It’s really hard to do.
Find out what God’s Word says about forgiveness, how essential it is to understand, and how to actually do it...if we want to grow in our walk with God.
Coming to grips with God’s grace will loosen your inclination for sin. Once your faith is placed in Jesus and you’ve experienced His forgiveness, sin’s dominance will be loosed from your life.
This Easter, celebrate the Resurrection of the Saviour with Pastor Chuck Swindoll. Discover how Jesus’ Resurrection is no mere hoax but is, instead, the foundation upon which God invites you to build your life and to rest your hope.
Learn from Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he carefully applies this passage to marriage and discusses the dangers of lying, unrighteous anger, theft, hurtful words, and lack of grace.
When people treat us unfairly, we want to get back at them in some way. But when we take the high road and don’t give in to our desire for revenge, the blessings are immeasurable.
When you accept Christ as your Saviour you have someone who is always your advocate; always in your corner. And when you forgive those who hurt you, you model Christ. And you become a little more like Him.
When you do something wrong, it is no one’s fault but yours. You can’t blame your parents, your friends, your co-workers, or anyone else. You are ultimately responsible for your actions.
If you have thick skin, you’re quick to forgive. If you’re thin skinned, you’re more likely to hang on to grudges and hurts. The perfect combination? A Soft heart and thick skin.
Forgiveness doesn’t come easily and often has conditions. But truly forgiving someone, with no strings attached, is one of the most liberating things you can do.
When we’ve been wronged, it’s tough to see things from the other person’s perspective. But when we do that, it’s grace in action. Grace lived out in our everyday lives revolutionizes our relationships.
Here is a great story of reconciliation. It beautifully illustrates how broken relationships can be restored by building bridges to one another…instead of fencing each other off.