Growing Up Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll did not discover from his parents who he is. Knowing who you are as a child, through your parent’s eyes, gives you security and confidence.
Living harmoniously as a family is an ongoing, intentional journey. The beginning of that journey is marked by great anticipation and genuine excitement. A bride and groom have high hopes and great dreams as they start out life together. However, as in all journeys, unexpected challenges pop up, including the arrival of children, which requires the couple to cultivate valuable parenting skills—without a handbook! At each age, from preschool through elementary school, each child requires his or her parents to make adjustments along the way to keep the relationships harmonious. Just about the time parents get their arms around all of that, the teenage years arrive! This stretching and complicated time calls for even more adjustments and a greater willingness to change if the parents hope to sustain harmony in the home. Then, after all that adapting, a new set of challenges arrives—the children reach adulthood, with minds of their own. Can there still be mutual respect and meaningful relationships in the family? Can harmony continue between parents and their grown-up kids? Absolutely! The question is, how?
Chuck Swindoll did not discover from his parents who he is. Knowing who you are as a child, through your parent’s eyes, gives you security and confidence.
Remember the first time you lived alone? What did you draw on in your mind first thing in the morning? It was probably some instruction or encouragement you remembered from your parents. You learn your first lessons from your family—they see through the fog.
Today’s workplace demands much from us: creativity, leadership, ideas, and enthusiasm. Oftentimes we’re tempted to give our workplace the best of us. If you are drowning in a lack of energy at home, you are doing too much outside to stay afloat. Learn to say “no.”
Start today to have more fun with your family. Treasure the moments you spend with them. Take time to laugh. Your kids will love you for it!
Do you have vision for your kids? It requires knowing them and influencing them in the way they should go. It takes time, patience, and understanding but the rewards of raising a secure and confident child are rich.
It's easy to become entangled in bad stuff. Instead of running from temptation, we often run right into it. Living life well requires making the choice to do what's right—regardless of what everyone else is doing.
Chuck’s grandfather modelled grace during a disastrous driving lesson. His words made a lasting impression on Chuck who has taught about God’s grace for almost 50 years. It’s a good reminder that our words matter.
Isn’t it great when someone says, “I forgive you”…just like that? Without pleading or begging for mercy, we’re simply forgiven. That’s probably one of the best feelings in the world.
Living harmoniously as a family is an ongoing, intentional journey. The beginning of that journey is marked by great anticipation and genuine excitement. A bride and groom have high hopes and great dreams as they start out life together. However, as in all journeys, unexpected challenges pop up, including the arrival of children, which requires the couple to cultivate valuable parenting skills—without a handbook! At each age, from preschool through elementary school, each child requires his or her parents to make adjustments along the way to keep the relationships harmonious.
Think hard about this question for just a moment: what in your life will endure the test of time; what will withstand the ups and downs of the future?