Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Courage Transfusion, Part One

Be aware of the bait that's being dangled before you that causes you to yield a little more in an area of weakness. Be alert to the fact that there is an enemy against you. When your day starts, apply EWO—Eyes Wide Open.

Marching Orders, Part Two

We face a very real, insidious enemy. And, as I mentioned yesterday, in order to step intelligently and wisely into the battle with Satan and his demons, we need clear marching orders. God has given them to us in the pages of Scripture.

Marching Orders, Part One

I wasn't there when a few men gathered around him. General Dwight Eisenhower had the awful job on that day in early June 1944 of determining if that was the right day to make the most significant invasion in the history of military strategy.

Identify the Enemy, Part One

When you’re in a battle, before you can march out against the enemy, you have to know who he is. It’s called “gathering intelligence.” You need to know how he operates, where his base of operations is, what his tactics are.

Facing an Uncertain Future

How can we face the fog of our uneasy, uncertain future? All these terrifying events are happening—political unrest, terrorist threats and attacks, a struggling economy. What more can the future hold?

No Fear! Part Two

We will not fear, though catastrophes occur. We will not be moved, though we are at war. Why? Because God—the omnipotent, all-powerful, magnificent God—is our refuge and strength. 

No Fear! Part One

In times of physical catastrophe in our lives or in our world, what is our response? Usually, it's "Why, God? Why me? Why us?" In contrast, God's Word says in times of physical catastrophe, "we will not fear" (Psalm 46:2).

A Very Present Help

God is our refuge and strength. As Eugene Peterson paraphrases it in The Message, "God is a safe place to hide." Chasah, or refuge, is a word that's needed when a nation finds itself shaking on the rock.
