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Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

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You see, it is our natural tendency to focus on the external, to be overly impressed with that which is seen. Wouldn't it be wonderful to develop the ability to look at a heart?


One of the greatest benefits to be gleaned from the Bible is perspective. When we get discouraged, we temporarily lose our perspective. Little things become mammoth. A slight irritation, such as a pebble in a shoe, seems huge. Motivation is drained away and, worst of all, hope departs.


So when I write of God's kingdom, I'm referring to His rightful authority over our lives. I remind you—only by letting Him reign in your life can you experience true excellence.


I need to be very candid with you. If you are a "Sunday Christian," you will not stand alone when outnumbered. Apart from a personal and vital faith in Jesus Christ, it is impossible to wage a winning effort against the system called "the world."


One of the great American myths is that we are all a bunch of rugged individualists. We would like to think that, but it simply is not true. There are some exceptions, of course, but for the majority it is not that way at all.


Don't be afraid of outgiving God. It is absolutely impossible to do that. He will keep every one of His promises related to generosity. Try Him!


A well-developed sense of humour reveals a well-balanced personality. Maladjusted people show a far greater tendency to miss the point in a funny remark. They take jokes personally.


We need to keep in mind the difference between natural sight and supernatural vision. When we look at life with vision, we perceive events and circumstances with God's thoughts.


Life is so short. We really don't have many years. And to spend them doing dumb stuff seems like such a waste.


A blah attack may sound harmless, but it can leave us in an emotional heap, seriously questioning if life is worth it.
