Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Strength to Weep

Joseph was a great and powerful man, admittedly, but he was also a real human being with real human emotions, who could step out of the corridors of power and have the strength to weep his heart out.

Calming Response

I love the steward's reassuring response: "Be at ease," he told them. The Hebrew Bible says, simply, "Shalom."

God’s Directions

Genesis 43:1–12

So, their father, Jacob, finally said to them, “If it can’t be avoided, then at least do this. Pack your bags with the best products of this land. Take them down to the man as gifts—balm, honey, gum, aromatic resin, pistachio nuts, and almonds. Also take double the money that was put back in your sacks, as it was probably someone’s mistake." (Genesis 43:11–12)


Time doesn't erase distress. We have evidence of that in our own lives. We know from experience the inescapable reminders of our guilt.

Giving for His Glory

With authority comes the need for accountability. With popularity comes the need for humility. With prosperity comes the need for integrity.
