Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

"Watch Me Work"

Moses didn't know it at the moment, but he'd put before the Lord the best proposition yet. I'm at the end of my rope. How are you going to do it?


You did the right things in the right way but someone misjudged you, reading motives into your acts or words that you never intended.

Soul Brothers

You may have lots of friendships in your life, but you'll probably never have more than a couple of friends on that deeper, spiritual, soul-to-soul level. You can tell such a friend anything that God is doing in your life, and you'll find a warm reception and deep affirmation.

The Staff of God

Every believer in Jesus Christ longs to experience such assurance. It comes from being in the flowing current of His will. It envelops us when we do God's will, God's way.

You Are His Concern

Have you stepped out on faith like that recently? Have you made a move, followed the nudging of God, into realms you wouldn't have even dreamed of five years ago? He will honour your faith as you trust Him in that kind of walk.

Leave of Absence

All He asks of us is a willing heart. He doesn't expect perfection. He doesn't expect you to have all the answers, all the ability, or all the courage.

Going It Alone

While I believe with all my heart in accountability, God's call does not lend itself to the buddy system or to group excursions. And before you bring any other individual along with you to fulfil that call, or before you join a team, you must make absolutely certain in your heart that each one has the same vision beating in his or her heart that you do.

And the Answer Is...

I have never lost respect for any individual who replied to a question with the answer, "I just don't know." On the other hand, I have lost a great deal of respect for those who knew they were wrong, and knew that I knew they were wrong, but could not bring themselves to admit it.
