What the Resurrection Gives Us
Stop for a moment and think about this: What if Jesus’ resurrection was a fraud? What, then, is the meaning of your fleeting life on earth?
Stop for a moment and think about this: What if Jesus’ resurrection was a fraud? What, then, is the meaning of your fleeting life on earth?
Do you become paralyzed by “what if” questions? What if it happens? What if it doesn’t? That’s what I call living hypothetically. There is a better way! Here are four ways the Bible instructs us to think.
You get the picture; we start every day with a certain number of decisions already in place. Those decisions, the ones that we agree on collectively, are what define our culture.
And that’s what you were about, Dad. Memories. When I was a lad, I loved to sneak up on you and watch what you were doing when you didn’t know I was there. That’s when you became my hero, I suppose.
Chuck says that God's sovereignty is the truth he turns to every day more than any other truth. And he preaches on it a lot because he needs to hear it just as much as anyone else.
Did you know that getting up in the morning and making your bed can be a profound example of faith? Steve gives sound advice for those who just don't feel like facing the day ahead.
Life's not easy for anyone, as Chuck assures us. We all have continual challenges. That's why Steve takes comfort from Proverbs 16:9 and knowing we must submit all things to God's care.
It's one thing to accept the truth of your situation; it's another to bathe your acceptance in hope, energy, and joy. Steve talks about working to align your feelings with what you know.
Chuck shares a bit of the struggle he and Cynthia have had in processing Jonathan's diagnoses. They found peace once they were able to fully accept Jonathan the way God made him.
To enter into the world of a special needs family means to put aside concerns about image and others' expectations. We need to boldly ask what a person needs and then meet that need.