Why should we be willing to drop everything and follow Jesus Christ? And what happens when we do? I can think of at least six reasons.
1. Jesus chooses not to minister to others all alone
He could, but he deliberately chooses not to. He could have rowed that boat Himself. He could have dropped those nets over the side Himself. He certainly could have pulled up the nets choked with fish. Instead, He had the disciples do it. And He specifically stated, "From now on you will be catching men."
2. Jesus uses the familiar to do the incredible
He came to their turf (lake, boat), their place of work (fishing), and had them use their skills (nets). In a familiar setting, He made them aware of incredible possibilities.
3. Jesus moves us from the safety of the seen to the risks of the unseen
He led them "out into the deep water" where nobody could touch bottom before He commanded, "Let down your nets." Nothing spectacular occurs in shallow water.
4. Jesus proves the potential by breaking our nets and filling our boats
When God's hand is on a situation, nets break, eyes bulge, deck planks groan, and boats almost sink. It's His way of putting the potential on display.
5. Jesus conceals His surprises until we follow His leading
Everything was business as usual on the surface. Boats didn't have a halo; nets didn't tingle at their touch; the lake water didn't glow; a chorus of angelic voices didn't thunder from the sky. No. The divinely arranged surprise came only after they dropped the nets. Remember, it wasn't until he followed Jesus' instructions that Peter changed "Master" to "Lord."
6. Jesus reveals His objective to those who release their security
He could read their willingness in their faces. Then—and only then—did He tell them they would be engaged in "catching men." And guess what—they jumped at the chance!
Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.