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Join us in a fresh dedication to God's work

Dear friend,

I was just a young man when I was first impacted by Psalm 90, a psalm written by Moses.

Imagine spending 40 years trudging around the wilderness with a bunch of weary Israelites, their days marked by solemnity as they waited for the rebellious generation of people who were afraid to claim the promised land to die off.

In the psalm, Moses reflects on the contrast between God who is from everlasting to everlasting and man whose lifespan in comparison is like a single day.

It was against this backdrop that verse 12 grabbed me and still does today. “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.”

I am not trying to be morbid, but as I age and with each new year that dawns, I am more conscious than ever of the brevity of life, and that my days are numbered.

This new year awakens in me a fresh realization that life is short and eventually drawing to a close.

As a consequence, I sense that daily wisdom for choices is needed more than ever. Questions of how to best spend my time and resources are more pressing. I ask myself, “What are the wise choices I need to make?”

Do you ever ask yourself, “What is the best use of my time, treasure, and talent?”

I do know one thing—investing in the work of Insight for Living Canada is worthwhile. And I’m not saying that because I’m the executive director. I’m saying it because of the way lives are continually being encouraged, strengthened, and changed through this ministry. The return on the investment of time and money is compounded over and over in changed lives.

Here’s an example. Recently, I called a woman to thank her for her generous gift. She explained that her donation was giving back for what God did in her life. She had been in a deep pit of suicidal despair when Chuck Swindoll’s name came to mind. Unfamiliar with him, she looked him up and ended up at There she signed up for, received, and read the daily devotional for that day. She said the words were exactly what she needed to hear in that moment. And in the time it took to read the devotional her life changed. For the first time in 59 years, she experienced joy. Ever since she has experienced even more joy and peace. She gratefully calls it a miracle and is reading and studying God’s Word all she can.

This wonderful story was possible because of the gracious investment you and people like you make in the work of Insight for Living Canada. Your support provides resources on our website like daily devotionals that God is using to further His work in people’s lives.

As I write this to encourage you to continue giving to Insight for Living Canada, I also encourage you to join me in a fresh consecration of ourselves to the Lord in our life and service for Him in the coming year.

Our lives are too short not to make them count. And part of that is investing in changing lives as we go into 2022.

Hanging a new calendar on the wall attests to the fact that time is passing quickly. Our life on earth is fleeting.

Let’s choose wisely to use our time and resources to make an impact that will last, not just for time, but most importantly, for eternity.

With eternity’s values in view,

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson Signature
Executive Director

PS Send your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada and make an impact for time and eternity.