Dear friend,
For weeks now, we have been engaged in social distancing and, in some cases, self-quarantining. I want to assure you that our staff members at Insight for Living Ministries care very much for one another, and we care the same for you. After all, we are Insight for Living. We’re all about the life of one another.
We still receive your letters and your comments by email. We receive your donations and appreciate every one of them. We are here for you, and we always will be. Even though there are warnings about not being close to one another and most of our staff members are working from their homes, we feel close to you and to each other as we operate in absentia. We’re in all of this together, so let’s do our best to remember that word: together.
Insight for Living Ministries is a family. We want you to know how much we care about you. When you send us your prayer requests, we take them seriously, and we have some very special staff members who pray for you. When you let us know about what you’re going through, we share that with one another, and we remember that before the Lord. When you send your donations, we watch over every part of your gift, knowing that it is God’s money to be handled for His glory and with great integrity. Thank you for all the times you have entrusted us with your gifts.
If you are able to give this month, please do. As people around the world stay inside their homes, worried about their jobs, their basic needs, their families, and even their own lives, we will keep right on reaching them with the hope of Jesus Christ and the practical help of His Word. The Lord has uniquely prepared us to minister to a world enduring hardship and anxiety! Our broadcasts, websites, podcasts, written resources, and CDs allow us to go into homes around the world and be near to others when they need someone by their side the most. Let me assure you, we certainly need you—your prayers and your donations—these days!
Whether you are able to give this month or not, let me also assure you of our prayers for you and of our interest in your lives. These last several weeks, David’s words in Psalm 32 have brought me comfort, especially verses 6 through 8:
Let all the godly pray to you while there is still time,
that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.
For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble.
You surround me with songs of victory.
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.”
May those inspired words from God’s Word bring you fresh hope, renewed stability, and a calming reassurance during these challenging days. Thank you for remaining a part of our Insight for Living Ministries family. Let’s not allow any of the current situations to change any of that. Let’s stay in touch. We want to be in touch with you, and we look forward to your staying in touch with us.
With much love and ongoing prayer,
Charles R. Swindoll