“That day broke our world.”
You can probably remember a day in your life you would describe with those words. Maybe it was the day you discovered your mate was having an affair...or the day you lost a job...or survived a shooting. Maybe it was the day you drove up to your home and it was on fire...or the day you buried a precious child...or heard that dreadful word cancer. Whatever day broke your world, I know you’ll never forget it.
The Bible captures that day for Jesus’ disciples. They had participated in the Last Supper. The Lord had been saying things all evening that they didn’t understand. Soon, He would willingly go with the soldiers in Gethsemane, then carry His cross to Calvary. Remember Jesus’ words to His frightened followers?
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled.... There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.... When everything is ready, I will come and get you.” (John 14:1–3)
The word Christianity hadn’t yet been coined, but Jesus knew it would be the faith for people who would need real, unshakable, feel-it-in-your-bones HOPE. I’m talking about that “wonderful secret” Paul described—that because Christ was crucified and resurrected, death lost (1 Corinthians 15:51)! Jesus WILL come back! Believers WILL be transformed and live forever in our Father’s home! That good news rings true in every language.
That’s why we’re committed to teaching the study and application of God’s Word in Canada as one of ALL the world’s 195 nations with 6,875 heart languages!
I opened this letter with a quote from Vanessa Murillo, a graphic designer on our Insight for Living Ministries staff from Venezuela. Vanessa has experienced gospel hope...and seen the need for it in her own country.
In Venezuela, communism, poverty, crime, and emotional spirituality reign. There, Vanessa says, studying the Scriptures is “very strange.” That’s one reason we started our Spanish-language ministry in 1987. Today, through Visión Para Vivir, we proclaim God’s Word accurately and clearly in Spanish throughout Venezuela and 21 other countries, including Canada!
YOU are key to our continuing to proclaim HOPE in Canada. It’s why we started Insight for Living Canada in 1984. Will you give today to Insight for Living Canada to help individuals whose worlds have been broken receive the hope the gospel provides?
If you believe in Jesus, you WILL win...because in the end, God wins!
Sharing THE hope with you,
Charles R. Swindoll
PS Canadians whose worlds have been broken need hope. Give today to help share the gospel of hope with them.