The Old Testament character of David is known for his passion, humility, and faith. Although he was a man after God’s own heart, David made many mistakes in his life, mistakes God redeemed, giving us hope that our mistakes can also be redeemed.
Means “beloved” or “friend.”
Outstanding Characteristics
Humility and faith.
David was born in Bethlehem as the youngest son of Jesse of the tribe of Judah, and the great grandson of Ruth and Boaz. As a young man, he tended his father’s flocks and was anointed by the prophet Samuel to be king of Israel. A gifted musician, David often played for King Saul. When Israel was fighting the Philistines, their champion Goliath challenged anyone to fight him. David accepted the challenge and defeated him. Afterwards, David was placed in charge of a thousand troops, became close friends with Saul’s son Jonathan and married Saul’s daughter Michal. Saul was jealous over David’s popularity and sought to kill him. David fled and became a hunted outlaw. After Saul’s death, David became king and made Jerusalem the capital city. Later, when David committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband, God forgave him but also punished him with consequences in his family. David’s son Solomon succeeded him as king and built the temple.
Key Scripture
Now the LORD said to Samuel, “… Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have selected a king for Myself among his sons.” So [Jesse] sent and brought [David] in.… And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” (1 Samuel 16:1, 12 NASB 1995)
Lessons Learned
1. Strength and stability: they both come from trusting God
David’s aim was true and he brought Goliath down with one stone. He was stabilized and strengthened by his trust and faith in God. We see how he turned again and again to the Lord throughout the experiences of his life and in the Psalms. If we try to tackle the giants and opposition in our lives in the flesh, we will not succeed. When we rely on the Lord, He will give us the strength and stability to be victorious. The battle is the Lord’s.
2. God forgives and redeems any situation
Although David’s sins of adultery and murder were heinous and bore severe consequences, through humility, David acknowledged his sin, God forgave him and redeemed the situation. Bathsheba became David’s wife and through their son Solomon’s lineage, the Messiah was eventually born. No matter where we are in life, when we ignore the will of the Lord we make bad decisions, which can often have tragic consequences. But no matter what sin we have committed God offers us forgiveness and restoration.
3. Prioritizing responsibilities
Regardless of how important our work is, family still needs to be a priority. David had many responsibilities as a king, general, and judge. Unfortunately, it seems that these became his priority and he neglected his family. David loved, but apparently spoiled, his children, giving them whatever they wanted. When they had conflicts or sinned, he ignored it instead of dealing with it, as in the case of Amnon. Absalom rebelled against David. Another son, Adonijah, tried to usurp the kingdom. It seems that some of David’s children grew up resenting him. If children have clear boundaries and know there will be consequences for going outside of these boundaries, it gives them a sense of security and well-being. Make your family the priority over everything else except for God. Communicate with your children. Understand them. Help them to understand their own hearts and correct them and discipline them when necessary.
4. God is our guide
In dark and weak days, the Lord is our only light and strength. David faced many dark days as a fugitive, king, and father—days in which he poured out his heart to God in Psalms. He acknowledged his weakness but found strength in the Lord his God. At times, we flounder along, weak and in the dark. Yet the Lord gives us enough light and strength so that we can take the next step. That’s all He gives and, in reality, that’s all we need.
David, a humble and faithful servant of the Lord, was as flawed and human as the rest of us. We can learn a lot from his story as we navigate our journey of faith and continue striving to be faithful followers of God.