Meaningful, healthy relationships need the right kind of environment to flourish. Before we can expect to nurture genuine assimilation, some things gotta go!
Just as tender plants require special care and the absence of things that assault growth, so do groups of believers who desire to cultivate relationships.
Centuries ago, as God led the ancient Hebrews into the Promised Land, He specifically instructed them to clear the territory of the foreign tribes and to rid themselves of the influence of Canaanite civilization.
From this example, we can draw an analogy for today. If we truly desire to grow deeper, pull together, and go further than skin-deep superficiality in our relationships, we must remove those things that hinder true community.
Existence: Essentials for Physical Survival (1 Corinthians 12:12–18)
If we want healthy lives, our physical bodies must stay healthy. When alien forces attack the body from without or cells of the body rebel from within, disease can take over. The same is true for the church, the body of Christ.
Obedience: Key to National Preservation (Joshua 23:1–16; Judges 1:19–28)
In order to inspire Israel’s obedience, Joshua recounted God’s faithfulness, God’s commands, and God’s warnings to His people.
In order to build biblical fellowship in the church, Christians must get rid of any personal and corporate barriers to unity.
“Some Things Have Gotta Go!” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Dropping Your Guard. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.