“Think of it like this. Think of two worlds. We live in one that is around us. We’re born into it. We exist in it. We die in it. THIS world. And then there is another world that is beyond us. I put it in this simple statement: Embracing the reality of the world to come radically alters everything in the world in which we live.” —Charles R. Swindoll
What’s the big deal about Easter? About Jesus’ Resurrection? One word...hope.
In that single word rests a whole new world beckoning our participation. Death has been defeated. Sin has lost its power. What’s broken gets mended. Newfound meaning and joy replace the minute-after-minute-after-minute monotony of ceaseless sweating and striving...all because God is now at hand!
Life with God alters everything. If life with God is the core aim of Christianity, then Jesus’ Resurrection is the root truth of Christianity. Jesus was resurrected to settle once and for all that God is the God of the living. Those who put their faith in Christ enjoy new life now and will spend eternity with God in the land of the living.
These truths never get old. We celebrate them always, but during Easter, we especially focus on them—to return to our roots—in order to spiritually fortify ourselves.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses topic after topic to correct and strengthen this enthusiastic, rambunctious congregation in Corinth.
After a lengthy discussion on worship and spiritual gifts (11:2–14:40), Paul turned to his most important concern: the resurrection from the dead. The uninformed in the church were claiming there is no resurrection. Consider the subject yourself. What do we miss out on if there is no resurrection?
Living by the power of Jesus’ Resurrection through the Holy Spirit shines the new-living light of the future world in the old-living darkness of the present world. This new reality alters everything.
Jesus’ Resurrection made hope a living, personal reality that cannot be robbed from us. As a follower of Christ, your future no longer rests with this world doomed to decay and death. You worship the God of the living and will enjoy Him in the land of the living...forever!
“No Morning Was Ever Brighter” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series No Morning Was Ever Brighter. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.