“Walking with God is a day-by-day commitment that says, ‘Today I’m going to know God better. Today I’m going to love God more.’” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
The Heart of the Matter
Knowing God is foundational to our existence. Apart from that knowledge, we are doomed to grope our way through a maze of meaningless earthly pursuits. Only those who know God will find their way to true purpose and meaning. But that is only half the story! Knowing God calls for a response that includes trusting Him, relying on Him, worshipping Him—in a word, loving Him. Scripture is filled with accounts of the God of heaven reaching out to His people in grace and mercy, showing Himself to be strong and compassionate. Each account is a reason to love Him with all our heart, soul, and might.
Discovering the Way
1. A Foundational Statement and Command (Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 23–24)
The Shema is the bedrock command for loving God.
2. God of Grace, God of Mercy (Selected Psalms)
Throughout life’s ups and downs, God demonstrates His compassion to those He loves.
3. Man of Gratitude, Man of Love (Selected Psalms)
The life of David demonstrates what it means to love God.
Starting Your Journey
Those who truly love the Lord have experienced His power to deliver and are not fearful. Those who truly love the Lord have received His peace and forgiveness and are no longer guilty. Those who truly love the Lord have felt His presence in affliction and are loved of God.
“Loving God: Our Ultimate Response” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Growing Deep in the Christian Life: Returning to Our Roots. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.