“Jesus was in a category by Himself. He never left a false impression. Never tried to appear as someone He wasn’t. He was the personification of the truth.” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
Have people ever led you to believe something that wasn’t true? It happens frequently during the Christmas shopping season as advertisers glamorize their products to make a sale. Only after we buy the item do we realize we were duped by a slick sales pitch.
If only we had a truth-metre that would flash green when people were being honest and red when they were misleading us, then we’d know the real score. With this handy device, we could test the words of advertisers, politicians, commentators...anyone, and we’d never be hoodwinked again!
God never lies. It goes against His nature to lie, so it follows that when God became flesh, truth became flesh as well. Jesus was the embodiment of truth. If a truth-metre existed in the first century, anyone who tested Jesus’ words would have seen only green lights all the time!
Where can you find truth this Christmas? Certainly not in the fairy-tale hype of the season. Only in the baby in the manger, who grew up to become the greatest of all teachers, can you find truth to nourish your soul. On what truth would you like to focus your mind today and throughout this Christmas season? If you need prompting, read John 8, looking for one special truth in Jesus’ words to which you can cling today.
Father, You give the best gifts: peace, love, joy. But the greatest gift is Your Son whose words of life are true and trustworthy. Help me today to shape my thoughts around His words so I can keep my mind and heart free from the contamination of the lies of this world. Thank You for the gift of truth, in Jesus’ name, amen.
“Jesus: The Gift of God’s Truth” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Jesus: The Indescribable Gift. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.