Not long ago we received a touching letter from Tammy who said, “Chuck, lately I’ve been spiritually dry. In fact, desert dry. Your messages were exactly what I needed to hear. And I’ve been inspired to persevere...no matter what.”
Tammy, you’re not alone. We’ve all been to those parched places of discouragement. And nothing satisfies more deeply than taking a sip of living water from God’s Word.
It reminds me of Jeremiah’s reassuring words…
Those who trust in the Lord
are like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
We know that Insight for Living has become a daily oasis for men and women like Tammy who are longing for spiritual nourishment. And it’s one of the many reasons we’ve established a local office in your country. We’re committed to providing this program to you and your friends and neighbours as well…as long as God provides the resources to do so.
And so I’m asking you to respond generously today by giving a donation. Your gift before June 30th will make a critical difference...as we attempt to finish the financial year in a strong position. Would you join us in this mission to provide living water to all who are thirsty?
Please, follow these simple instructions and let us know that you’re standing with us.
Thanks so much!
Chuck Swindoll
PS Donate online towards our fiscal year-end today!