This article is designed to create a better understanding of how to reframe crucibles—your trials and negative life experiences. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
A crucible is a vessel used for refining metals. It’s a fitting metaphor for trials. When we encounter trials we tend to see them in a negative way. But Christians have the opportunity to view them in the biblical frame of God’s redemptive work. This view results in peace, contentment, and spiritual growth instead of bitterness, anxiety, and stunted spiritual growth.
- Think of a major crucible you’ve experienced, such as loss, death, or adversity. How have they impacted the way you view yourself, God, others, and the world?
- We risk feeling bitter, anxious, or spiritually stuck because of trials. What impact have your crucibles had on your responses and behaviours? In what ways do you feel spiritually stuck?
- Read Romans 12:3 and John 17:17. Renewing your mind includes viewing negative experiences through the frame of biblical truth. Why does biblical reframing change the meaning of these events?
- Read Isaiah 53:2–3. From an earthly perspective Christ was merely a despised, crucified man. How does Isaiah 53:4–6 reframe Christ’s death and change its meaning?
- Read Hebrews 12:2. From what perspective did Jesus view the cross and how did it help Him handle the shame of being crucified? What anticipated joys help you through difficulties?
- Read 1 Peter 3:18. How does Peter reframe the purpose of Christ’s death? What are ways this perspective can form the foundation for all other reframing in your life?
- Read Colossians 3:1–4. When Christ was raised and seated in heaven what also happened to you as a believer? How does this give you a new frame of reference for your crucibles?
- Read 1 Corinthians 6:20. How does Christ’s death for you provide a new lens through which to view your life’s purpose?
- Read Romans 6:2–11. How does your union with Christ change your relationship to sin and death? How does this provide a new perspective for you?
- Read Romans 6:12–14. How should reframing your relationship to sin and death change how you live and are controlled by sinful desires?
- Read Romans 8:1. How does your union with Christ reframe how you view your past sins? How does this prepare you for when Satan accuses you regarding your past sins?
- Read 2 Corinthians 5:15–17. How does viewing yourself from the perspective of a new person with a new life change whom you live for?
- Read 1 Peter 2:11. How does reframing yourself as a “temporary resident and foreigner” change your relationship to worldly desires and values?
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:12–15. Into what frame does Paul place the good works we do in this life? How does this change your behaviour and what you strive for?
- Read John 9:2–3. What was the disciples’ perspective on the tragedy of the blind man? How did Jesus reframe it? Where is the power of God seen in your life?
- Read Romans 5:3–4. How does Paul help reframe your present suffering? What does he say is an appropriate response to problems and trials? Why?
- Read James 1:2–4. How does James reframe troubles you may encounter in life? What does he say is an appropriate response? Why?
- Read 2 Corinthians 12:7–10. How does Paul reframe his thorn and the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles he suffered for Christ? How does he respond?
- Read 2 Corinthians 1:3–7. How does Paul reframe suffering and the comfort God gives to those in the midst of suffering? How can your suffering help others?
- Read Philippians 3:8–10. How does Paul reframe his sufferings in relation to knowing Christ better? How will reframing your difficulties help you know Christ better?
- Read Hebrews 12:5–11. How can these verses help you reframe adversity you may go through? What difficulties have acted as “divine discipline” and helped correct you as God’s child?
- Read 1 Peter 4:2 and 1 Corinthians 10:13. What experiences do these verses teach are not unusual and have to be reframed as normal experience?
- Read Acts 5:41. How were the apostles’ emotions and behaviour affected when they reframed their suffering? What did they discover about crucibles?
- Read Genesis 50:20. In this verse, Joseph reflects on his brothers’ past evil actions toward him. Seeing God’s hand on his life, how does Joseph reframe their actions?
- Read Romans 8:28. How does this verse help you reframe the negative things that have happened and will happen to you?
- Read Job 1:6. Satan is an accuser of believers and is always trying to reframe God’s actions toward believers as unloving. How does Romans 8:28–39 refute Satan’s lies?
- Read Job 2:10. Questions can help reframe situations. What question does Job ask to help his wife reframe his suffering? How can questions help you reframe your experiences?
- Read Matthew 6:26–30 and 16:26. What questions does Jesus ask to help reframe your perspective on possessions and faith in God for provision?
- Read Matthew 7:3–4. What questions does Jesus ask? How do they help reframe your perspective on your and others’ faults?
- Read Matthew 19:26 and Philippians 4:13. How do these verses help you reframe limiting beliefs that hold you back from doing what God wants you to do?