Dear friend,
Grace for the moment has been on my mind.
God typically works that way, doesn’t He?
He supplies the exact amount of energy and endurance, peace and poise, wisdom and wellness needed right now. Not next week. Not tomorrow. Not even tonight. But “for the moment,” like right now.
Our need for God is moment by moment.
And, He delights to provide all we need at just the right time.
As Christmas approaches, I can only imagine the grace Mary and Joseph needed when the joy of betrothal gave way to the shocking news of Mary’s divine pregnancy. Soon, they felt the shame of cynical whispers and skeptical glances. Then the census required a 90-mile journey from Nazareth to a crowded Bethlehem where they couldn’t even find a comfortable room for Mary’s delivery.
Contractions hit. Mary’s groans of pain echoed from the stable walls and then the baby’s cries sounded into the night. Blankets and hay received the Saviour. She cradled Him. With mouths wide open, they beheld Him.
What an epochal moment!
God carried them through it all.
Reliving the wonder of that story reminds me that nothing is impossible with God...and that His grace is more than sufficient for my weaknesses and difficulties. His grace is greater than your weaknesses and your difficulties too. During your celebrations this month, let the Christmas story remind you of that sure promise!
As you reflect, I hope you will also remember Insight for Living Canada. December is a vital time for our financial strength. Our gracious supporters often go beyond their regular giving by sending special “Christmas gifts.” Will you send one this December? Your donation will help channel Christ’s just-in-time grace through our consistent proclamation of God’s Word.
Grace for the moment...it’s all you need!
Celebrating God’s gracious Christmas gift with you,
Pastor Charles R. Swindoll