Dear friend,
Yielding to the Holy Spirit brings a treasure trove of benefits.
Consider a few with me. Freedom from addiction. Freedom from fear. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from worry. Freedom from emptiness. Freedom to overcome rage, sensuality, envy, pride, insecurity, and selfishness. Freedom to walk in love, faithfulness, patience, grace, and compassion. Sensing God's presence like never before. Joy that flows like a fountain. Peace as stable as a mountain. You don't have to live as you once lived or be who you once were.
A new and better life is possible RIGHT NOW.
How I wish folks would simply believe this fact! The difference the Spirit makes in our life is as drastic as the difference between life and death. The Apostle Paul urged us to present ourselves "to God as those alive from the dead" and our bodies as "instruments of righteousness to God" (Romans 6:13). How? By setting our minds on "the things of the Spirit" (8:5). Talk about liberating!
As we wrap up our broadcast series about the Holy Spirit, which I've titled, Flying Closer to the Flame, would you keep a few thrilling thoughts in mind? Even pause from time to time to think them over. By yielding to the Spirit and drawing strength from Him, you can:
- Enter spiritual realms on earth which you have never explored
- Know depths of God's will which you have never examined
- Harness dimensions of supernatural power which you have never experienced
In Galatians 5:25, Paul wrote:
If we live by the Spirit,
let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Keeping in step with the Spirit requires consistent encouragement and reminders through a steady stream of God's Word, which is why Insight for Living Canada focuses so heavily on teaching the Bible to others each and every day. Our resources are free for anyone to use. But that doesn't mean they cost nothing. Our ministry activities, such as our daily audio program, require the constant efforts of our many staff members and rely on the continual financial support of our faithful donors. So you can imagine how grateful we are for the thousands of people who have partnered with Insight for Living Canada through prayer and financial donations.
If you're one of our Monthly Partners, thank you! If you do not give monthly, will you please consider signing up to donate each month, so we can count on your support and maintain a steady stream of God's Word to people across the world, encouraging them to trust Jesus and to keep in step with the Spirit? We're thankful for any amount you choose to give.
I sincerely hope our series, Flying Closer to the Flame, is encouraging you to walk with God more deeply than you ever have. It's truly a thrill, isn't it?
Yielding with you to the Spirit of freedom,
Pastor Charles R. Swindol