“God is the God of limitless possibilities. Think about that. Perhaps for the first time in your life, think rightly about God. With Him there are no limitations. No restrictions. No boundaries. There is no stopping. There is no hindering. There is no impossibility. In fact, God has yet to experience a challenge. It’s all as good as accomplished when He determines His will be done.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll
Only once must God speak a decree for it to carry eternal weight. How significant then that God should declare one truth four times?
O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you! (Jeremiah 32:17)
I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me? (32:27)
For nothing will be impossible with God. (Luke 1:37 NASB)
What is impossible for people is possible with God. (18:27)
But the revered sages of this finite world like to imprint in our minds a namby-pamby god or even a self-starting universe. Like a careful editor, then, we must grab our eraser to rub out what’s false and take up the divine pen to realign our perspective with the Mind of heaven.
Because our view of God determines our life’s course, Chuck Swindoll teaches us from Luke 18 that God is the God of limitless possibilities. We can live big. Dream big. Give big. Pray big. God knows no confines. That’s why Jesus calls us to engage in His planet-wide mission.
Have you joined in the work of Jesus’ Great Commission—to make disciples in every nation? Sure, it’s big. Like 6,875 languages big. But it’s mission possible with God because He knows no limits. It delights Him to include us because He made us in His image to be His ambassadors.
You can do it. Live big. Dream big. Pray big. God made all this possible for you by taking on the weaknesses of human flesh. Jesus shed His divine privileges, so you can “share his divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). Immortality. Everlasting joy. Communion with the Almighty. All yours through the Prince of Peace.
“The God of Limitless Possibilities” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Mission Possible: God’s Great Commission. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.