Dear friend,
What do you believe in?
Take a few minutes to think deeply about that.... Have you got your answer in mind? Now, I’ve got another question:
What are you giving to?
I want to tell you something you may not have realized: my wife, Cynthia, and I give financially—every month—to Insight for Living Ministries. Really, we do! I wouldn’t ask you to do so, if we didn’t.
We don’t give because it’s OUR ministry. We give because it’s the LORD’s. We give because we believe in the power of God’s Word. We believe that studying and applying God’s Word is the key to living the abundant life Jesus promises. We believe the Bible really does have the answer for whatever challenge you, we, or anyone else is facing today. We believe in the hope and the light found only in God’s Word. We believe that every believer should be spiritually self-sustaining, not dependent on someone else to know what the Bible says. We believe all God’s people can learn to search the Scriptures for themselves, finding the spiritual nourishment their souls crave.
We believe the Great Commission isn’t some ideal pipe dream for the Lord’s brightest and best missionaries. It’s Jesus’ command for every person who follows Him...a goal we CAN reach together if we commit our hearts AND our resources to it.
That’s why we have pursued our callings at Insight for Living Ministries—heart, mind, and soul—every day for the last 40 years. It’s why we’ll keep pursuing them until the Lord calls us home. It’s why we’re focused on the future and how to ensure that Insight for Living Ministries continues long after we’re gone. And it’s why we send our donation, without fail, every month.
Let me ask you again: What do you believe in?
In July, Insight for Living Ministries turns 40 and Insight for Living Canada turns 35. We would love for it one day to turn 50...60...75...even 100! It’ll happen only one way: through the generosity of people like you and like us.
On June 30, we will close the books on our financial year. If you believe in the same things Cynthia and I believe in, I urge you to give to Insight for Living Canada. Do what we plan to do: ask the Lord how much you should send...then send it. Please do not delay.
The future depends on our responses today.
With heart-pounding anticipation,
Charles R. Swindoll