Any amount of time tasting the fruits of our fallen world will give most of a hunger for heaven. Without a doubt, the songs, choruses of worship, hymns, and anthems on the subject of heaven number in the hundreds. For centuries, God’s people have anticipated their final home—“a dwelling place” that is the destiny and destination of all who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. To this day, it remains the hope of every believer grieving the death of a loved one. All of us who fill the ranks of the redeemed understand that, while we are to live as responsible citizens of this nation, in reality, “we are citizens of heaven” (Philippians 3:20) where our Saviour has gone “to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Since heaven will be our ultimate destination, we need to spend less time complaining about our struggles and trials on earth, where we temporarily live, and more time learning as much as possible about heaven, where we will live forever.