This article is designed to help you better understand how to handle fear. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Fear is an instinctive and even healthy response to keep you safe, sometimes prompting you to necessary action. In that sense fear is good. But some fears are irrational or unfounded and limit you in your life and walk of faith. Therefore, it’s important to identify and handle your fears.
- Becoming aware of your fears is the first step to handling them. What are you afraid of? Death? Disease? People? Failure? Inadequacy? Rejection? How does your fear affect you and others?
- Anxiety and fear are often related. What makes you anxious? In unguarded moments, what worries does your mind wander to?
- Accepting your limitations frees you from the need to control. Read Philippians 4:13. How does this passage relate to your limitations? In regard to your fears, what limitations do you have?
- Sometimes fearful childhood experiences can haunt you into adulthood. Read Romans 8:15. How can this passage help you release your fears to your loving heavenly Father?
- How you respond to fear determines whether you handle it or it handles you. Read Exodus 3. What were God’s responses to Moses’ fears? Which of these can help you?
- Read Psalm 23:4. As a believer, what is your answer to the fear of death? How does this help answer this fear?
- Read 2 Chronicles 20:12. Here, King Jehoshaphat admitted his inadequacy. How does shifting your focus away from yourself answer this fear? (Also see Isaiah 26:3.)
- Read Isaiah 41:13. How does this verse help you overcome your fear of inadequacy?
- Read Romans 8:28. Behind fear, anxiety, and worry is an assumption God isn’t working for your good. How does this verse help you understand God is always involved for your good?
- Philippians 4:6 says “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything....” What does verse 7 promise will happen if you do this?
- Read 1 Peter 5:7. According to this verse, what core truth can help you commit your fears to God? How will acting on this verse answer your fear?
- Read Luke 12:4–7. In this passage, what are Jesus’ reasons for not fearing people?
- Read Psalm 56:4. What did David do to overcome his fear of people who were against him?
- Read Matthew 6:25–34. How does simplifying your life and seeking God answer your fears about provision?
- Read Psalm 27. Here, David uses the covenant name “Yahweh” to make his prayer personal. Why is it important to personalize your relationship with God to handle your fear?
- Read Psalm 27. In verse 1, David says, “The LORD is my light.” In what sense is God your light and how does this help you handle fear?
- Read Psalm 27. The Lord is your salvation according to verse 1. How can you apply this truth to the fears you experience in life?
- Read Psalm 27. David says he is not afraid because the Lord is his fortress. How does viewing God as a fortress help you answer your fears?
- Read Zephaniah 3. How does this passage help you handle fear of Satan’s attacks?
- In the familiar Christmas story, the angel said, “Do not be afraid” (Luke 1:30, 31; 2:10–11; Matthew 1:20–21). How is Christ the answer to all your fears?
- Read Matthew 14:29–31. Peter walked on the water but grew afraid when he looked at the wind and waves. What causes you to doubt Jesus?
- Read Mark 4:35–41. Jesus calms the storm when the disciples feared they would drown. How does knowing Jesus is Lord over creation calm your fears?
- Read Matthew 28:20. The last words Jesus spoke before leaving earth were “I am with you always.” Why is that truth the ultimate answer to all your fears?
- Read Joshua 1:9. As Joshua was about to enter the Promised Land, what did God tell him to take away his fear? How does God’s presence make you bold?
- Job 11:18 says, “Having hope will give you courage.” How does hope fuel courage? In what or whom do you place your hope?
- In Mark 6:50 Jesus told the terrified disciples, “Don’t be afraid,... Take courage! I am here!” How does knowing Jesus is with you give you courage?
- Read Philippians 4:13. How do you find courage by filling your mind with the truth, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (NASB)?
- Read Acts 1:8; 2:4. Peter transformed from a man who cowered in fear and denied Christ to one who proclaimed Him to a crowd. What made the difference?
- Read Acts 4:23–31. What do the disciples do to gain courage? By what means do they become bold? How can this help you be bold in sharing the Gospel?
- James 5:8 says, “Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.” How does the prospect of the Lord’s soon return give you courage for life?