Ever wonder how, with all the transitions of life, you can feel significant and have your life count for something? Moses wrote Psalm 90 as he and the Israelites wandered in the wilderness waiting for the rebellious older generation to die. For that generation their purpose for leaving Egypt and hope of settling in the new land was gone. In the midst of this wilderness experience Moses shares how we can make our lives count.
This article is designed to create a better understanding of Psalm 90. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark personal reflection and life change.
- Read Psalm 90. Have you ever had a wilderness experience where hope and purpose vanished and which caused you to evaluate your life? Did it make a difference in the way you lived?
- As a believer God is your true home (90:1). Where do you feel at home and what does it signify to you? If you do not feel at home in God what needs to change?
- Israel was living between two worlds: Egypt and Canaan. God was their true home. Peter calls Christians “foreigners” in this world (1 Peter 2:11 NIV). In what sense are you living between two worlds?
- God is eternal (Psalm 90:2). How does knowing God is eternal and the originator of everything help you deal with the wildernesses you experience in this life?
- Although eternal, God does not change. How does that make Him a suitable dwelling place for you and all generations of His people?
- In contrast to our eternal God, we are but living dust (90:3). We are breakable—subject to disease, misery, and death. How does knowing this affect your perspective on your life and on others’ lives?
- God is like a potter who makes a vessel and then reduces it to back to dust (90:3). See Proverbs 27:1. What are you doing to prepare for that day?
- A thousand years is a long time to us but insignificant to our eternal God (Psalm 90:4). He is not bound by time like we are. How does this affect your view of God? Of yourself?
- Our life is short (90:5–6). In these verses, what imagery emphasizes the brevity of life? How does thinking of your life in these terms create a sense of urgency? (See Ephesians 5:16.)
- The Israelites were dying off under the judgment of God because of their rebellion (Psalm 90:7–9). For believers death is our doorway to heaven. In view of heaven what meaning does your life have?
- Sooner or later your life will be cut off (90:10). Your one shot at life will end. Then comes eternity. What have you done in life that will outlast you?
- To “number our days” (90:12) is about considering the brevity of your life against its God-given purposes and choosing to live with eternity in view. What happens if you fail to number your days?
- Are your daily choices made in light of heaven’s eternal rewards? Is your life eternity-driven?
- In view of the previous reflections let’s evaluate: what is your life’s purpose?
- What are your life’s priorities? (Hint: how you spend your time and money will tell you what they are.) What priorities need to change?
- Moses chose God’s kingdom instead of earthly entanglements “because he saw him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:23–28). Moses communed with the Lord. What can you do to strengthen your daily communion with the Lord?
- Read 1 Peter 4:7–11. What are some priorities you are to choose?
- Read Hebrews 10:24–25. What three things do these verses say should be a priority in light of eternity?
- How are your relationships with others? What do you need to make right but are avoiding? Who do you need to forgive?
- Is the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? Read Galatians 5:22–23; 1 John 3:2–3. What areas need more cultivation and feeding?
- What do you want to be remembered for? What steps are you taking today to make that happen?
- Why is it significant that Moses prays, “Teach us”? Why do you need the Lord to teach you?
- Pray for God’s priorities (Psalm 90:12). What are God’s priorities for your life? Today ask the Lord to help you clearly understand what He values.
- Pray for God’s presence (90:13–15). From these verses what will you experience when the presence of God is in your daily life?
- What ways is the presence of God in your life evident as joy?
- Christian parents want their lives to help their descendants walk with the Lord. What do you pray for your family (90:16–17)? How can you better share God’s work in your life with them?
- What can you do to strengthen your family in the Lord?
- How can you better trust God to establish your life and make it count as though it depends entirely on Him?
- Moses’ prayer for the children to follow the Lord (90:16) was answered. They were the most devout of any Israelite generation. How did that then make their parent’s lives in the wilderness count?
- When the favour and beauty of the Lord rest on a life it will count and make a difference. Pray God will graciously make your life and work count.