The following mini-study is presented to familiarize you with Pastor Chuck’s method of Bible study and provide an opportunity to study the passage yourself.
Paul spent his final days in the Mamertine Prison in Rome awaiting his execution. There, Paul wrote his final words in his second letter to Timothy. Paul expresses gratitude for his past accomplishments and anticipation of his future reward. He finished his life well. In this Searching the Scriptures Bible Study we’ll learn from his hopeful words in 2 Timothy 4 how we can also finish well.
Prepare Your Heart
All those who suffer can find hope in the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Timothy. Pause to pray, inviting the Lord into your dungeon of disappointment to encourage you through Paul’s example.
Turn to the Scriptures
Read 2 Timothy 4:1–18. Notice how Paul described his hardships and how he interlaced his deep hope in Christ. Write down your initial impressions of these final words from his pen.
Observation: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Observation involves examining the text by asking questions such as where, who, what, when, and how. We know where Paul was: in a Roman prison. And when: the end of life, perhaps around AD 67. We know to whom he was writing: his apprentice Timothy, the pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Next comes the “what.” According to 2 Timothy 4:2, after encouraging and advising Timothy in the first three chapters of the letter, what exactly did Paul solemnly charge Timothy to do?
What reasons for his urgent charge did Paul list in 4:3–5? And what specific commands did Paul give?
Looking Back without Regret—2 Timothy 4:6–7
Paul wrote, “The time of my death is near” (2 Timothy 4:6). According to 2 Timothy 4:6-7, what metaphors did Paul use to describe his life, his struggles, and his accomplishments?
Looking Forward with Anticipation—2 Timothy 4:8
Observe Paul’s hopeful anticipation in 2 Timothy 4:8 regarding his…
Confirmation of future reward:
Celebation of victory:
Encouragement for all believers:
Expressing Real Needs and Honest Warnings—2 Timothy 4:9–18
In 2 Timothy 4:9–18, Paul wrote about real needs and honest warnings. Write down the lines in this passage in which you observe Paul expressing…
Abandonment by trusted friends
Physical needs
Hunger for God’s Word
What implicit warnings for Timothy did Paul weave through this passage?
Interpretation: The Treasures Hidden in Paul’s Metaphors
Use your interpretation skills to explore the meaning of Paul’s metaphors in 2 Timothy 4:6–8. Hidden in these metaphors are the secrets to finishing well!
Offering Our Lives to God
What did Paul mean when he stated that his life “has already been poured out as an offering to God” (2 Timothy 4:6)? Consider the temple practice of the priests pouring a “liquid offering” on the altar to accompany the main offering (Exodus 29:40–41; Leviticus 23:13). In what ways did Paul pour out his life to God?
Write down your explanation of what it means to give our lives as an offering (Romans 12:1–2)?
Fighting the Good Fight
Paul often used athletic metaphors to describe his spiritual self-discipline
“I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:27)
What did Paul mean when he wrote, “I have fought the good fight” (2 Timothy 4:7)?
Finishing the Race
Paul wrote, “I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful” (2 Timothy 4:7). What “race” was Paul referring to, and how had he been faithful in running it? See how Paul had just commanded Timothy, “fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5 NASB). What was Paul’s ministry calling (Acts 9:15–16; 2 Timothy 1:10–11), and how did he fulfil it?
Correlation: The Prize That Awaits
In ancient times, athletes trained for years hoping to win a laurel crown that the king would place on their heads. Paul anticipated receiving “the crown of righteousness” which His King will award “all who eagerly look forward to his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8). God promises to heap on us specific rewards—special recognition for work done in His name.
Paul taught how believers earn rewards in 1 Corinthians 3:11–15. What is the basis of receiving a reward?
When will we receive Christ’s rewards, according to 2 Corinthians 5:9–10?
Paul endured his suffering by keeping his eyes fixed on his eternal home and reward. Are you also eagerly looking forward to Christ’s appearing and the prize that awaits?
Application: On the Way to Finishing Well
Reflecting on the final days of Paul’s life, what principle stands out as a central truth that can help you finish your race well?
What obstacles in your current circumstances stand in the way of living by this principle?
What do you need from Christ to help you stay focused on your eternal prize?
A Final Prayer
Father, thank You for the accounts of Scriptures’ ordinary people who followed You faithfully. They are my models of faith. I seek Your help as, together, we write my story of faithful devotion in a wicked world. May I praise You with my life which I pour out daily as an offering to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Go to insightforliving.ca/finishing to download the full-length Searching the Scripture Bible Study and listen to Pastor Chuck’s message.