The Influence of One Devoted Parent
Chuck focuses on an eight-year-old boy named Josiah, who became Judah's king. His friendship and subsequent reign played a vital role in Jeremiah's life and ministry.
Struggling through reading the lesser-known Old Testament passages and long prophetic oracles may seem to have little relevance to everyday 21st-century life. But there are important things we can learn from the Old Testament. First, the New Testament is based on the Old Testament. Second, the Old Testament reveals the character of God. Third, the Old Testament has transformational power. Its message transcends time, geography, and culture. It speaks to everyone, everywhere, in every situation.
Chuck focuses on an eight-year-old boy named Josiah, who became Judah's king. His friendship and subsequent reign played a vital role in Jeremiah's life and ministry.
Before delving into Lamentations in the coming weeks, Pastor Chuck Swindoll first takes a look at the life of the prophet Jeremiah. Why did he write this book? What was going on around him?
In his study of Jonah 3:1-4, Chuck Swindoll teaches us about the riches of God's grace and abundance of mercy from that quaint phrase, “the Lord came to Jonah a second time.”
Some people are much older at 40 than others are at 70. Why? Attitude! To build up attitude muscles, forget your age, focus on your goals, and remember to follow your God.
As we reach the end of our study of the book of Jonah, it's fitting that we really let it sink in. It's one thing to go through the book of Jonah but quite another to have that divine word go through us.
Join Chuck Swindoll as he examines the remaining verses of this literary masterpiece, the book of Jonah. Learn about the character of God, who is not willing that any perish but that they turn to Him for renewal and grace. Do you know someone in need of that grace?
While it's natural to live resentful and selfish because we're sinful, fallen beings, Chuck Swindoll teaches us a better way so we can avoid the way of Jonah and, instead, walk in the way of Jesus.
As God's message of truth spread through Nineveh, God ensured that a seed of just a few words sprouted a full harvest of spiritual fruit. Every Ninevite, perhaps as many as 600,000, turned away from their brutal and wicked ways toward the living God.
In his study of Jonah 3:1-4, Chuck Swindoll teaches us about the riches of God's grace and abundance of mercy from that quaint phrase, “the Lord came to Jonah a second time.”
Before the fish swallowed Jonah, he thought he was a goner. But the prophet came to his senses. From that dark, slimy chapel, Jonah uttered the prayer we read in chapter 2—the text of this sermon.