The Need for Leadership
Strong Leadership is essential. If you’re in a position of influence, consider the example of Christ. He came not to be served but to serve. Strong leadership is servant leadership.
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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Strong Leadership is essential. If you’re in a position of influence, consider the example of Christ. He came not to be served but to serve. Strong leadership is servant leadership.
Music is medicinal. It calms, soothes, and lifts our weariness. It also delights and entertains, and helps us to forget our problems. Like the English poet William Congreve said—music has charms to sooth the savage breast, to soften rocks, to bend a knotted oak.
If you have a mindset of service, it will reflect in your work and in your relationships. No matter what you do for a living, your job can be an opportunity for you to enrich the lives of others.
Everyone make mistakes. But there’s a difference between making a mistake and living an irresponsible life. We’re accountable for the lives we live and one day each one of us will give an account of our life to God.
Are you acting your age? Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you can’t stay young. Adding enthusiasm will make a world of difference. None are so old as the one who has outlived enthusiasm.
Chuck Swindoll didn’t own his first car. He spent so much time polishing it the car actually owned him! So often we get caught up in appearances and forget to enjoy ourselves.
When was the last time you directly gave a word of encouragement to someone else? Form a new habit: think of a way to encourage one person every day. It will change your life.
Dads, what will your legacy be? It’s never too late to make positive changes. Your godly influence will impact your family for generations to come.
You never really know who is in need of encouragement. Encouragement spurs us on; affirms us. A word of kindness, an arm around the shoulder, a note, a phone call, a random comment said in passing... genuine encouragement never fails to help.
Chuck Swindoll did not discover from his parents who he is. Knowing who you are as a child, through your parent’s eyes, gives you security and confidence.