Easter Reading Guide
The death and Resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in all human history. This three-week reading plan will help you to better understand and appreciate these events and help you prepare for Easter.
The death and Resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in all human history. This three-week reading plan will help you to better understand and appreciate these events and help you prepare for Easter.
Oh, the wonders of your child! Her heart is so tender and pure. His mind hums like a power plant with imagination and curiosity. Your task is to explore the hidden universe that lies within your child.
If pornography has a death grip on your marriage, we want to help you give your valentine the gift you both need: change.
Do you take time to reflect on the wonder of heaven? Do you think about eternity with God and the complete and total banishment of death and sin? Do thoughts of heaven influence your earthly days?
Christmas represents the most magnificent message that’s ever been told, which so far exceeds the details we have memorized. Unfortunately, most people don’t pause to think about the significance of the message.
Jesus assures His disciples He’s Immanuel in Matthew 28:20, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Not only is He with us, He lives in us (Galatians 2:20).
As we enter adulthood in our faith, one of the most significant realizations to draw upon us is a healthy understanding of and appreciation for the church.
In Scripture the more foundational meaning of peace is the spiritual harmony brought about by one’s restoration with God.
Family relationships are bound to strain at times and in many cases fracture, leading to feelings of failure and guilt, but there is a way to repair and rebuild damaged relationships—whether or not we’ve chosen them.
Calling Jesus “Lord” is a confession of belief that He is God, and loyalty to Him, and a claim to be a disciple.