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STS Study Excerpt: The Integrity of Waiting...Not Worrying
Father, I call to You, my great God. Speak to me through this ancient book. Talk in terms that I can understand, and begin a work of changing my thinking so that I can change my way of living. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Jake and Stan
Here’s a great fishing story from Chuck Swindoll that helps us understand Peter’s experience in John 21 a little better.
Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship. Christlike leadership is based on love, grace, and honour.
Sound Advice from an Old Rebel
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he explores some of Solomon’s most profound conclusions on fearing God. Start early and live a regretless life that counts for eternity!
God's Hand is in Our Pain
Rest assured in the midst of your trouble, no matter what it is, God’s sovereign hand is at work. It will literally revolutionize your whole mental attitude toward life.
Four Ways to Deal With Fear
Chuck Swindoll has four simple words of advice for dealing with fear and they all have to do with choosing to trust the Lord instead of running scared.