Dear friend,
What are you celebrating when you celebrate Christmas?
For most Christians, Christmas is a time when we remember and celebrate, in a special way, the birth of Jesus.
I suggest it isn’t that we are just celebrating Jesus’ birth, as great as that is. We celebrate what it signifies—He came as God’s provision for our greatest spiritual needs.
Jesus came as the Light of the world to those in darkness. He came as the Bread of Life to the hungry. He came as the Living Water to the thirsty. He came as the Way to those who were lost. He came as the Truth to the deceived. He came as the Life to those who were dead in their sins.
In short, He came to a world full of sin and its consequences, the same kind of world we live in today.
But even more than celebrating because that baby became our Saviour and died to free us from sin and its consequences, we are celebrating what He does now—something that often gets overlooked.
What’s that?
Jesus provides mercy and grace for all our needs!
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:15–16)
Read that again and let it sink in, “...we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Isn’t that great? Do you need wisdom, patience, self-control, courage, or peace? Whatever the need, Jesus is ready to give us grace for the moment if we humbly call on Him.
Grace is not just for believers. Saving grace is available for our needy world of the spiritually lost, hungry, thirsty, and dead in sin.
Insight for Living Canada exists to share the Good News of God’s grace, available to believers and unbelievers alike. The needs are different, but God’s unmerited favour is available to all who call on Him. And we share this message across our great country because it’s critical that people hear and understand it.
But what good is a message if it can’t get out to where the need is? That’s where we need partners like you and people like you—people who’ve experienced God’s amazing grace. We need you to come alongside with prayer and finances to help get the message out.
Our aim is to finish this month having reached a fundraising goal of $430,000. We stand on the threshold of a new year with new doors of opportunity open before us. Reaching this goal will help to seize the opportunities God graciously opens to us. It will help underwrite the cost of sharing the Good News of Jesus’ all-sufficient grace.
Are you willing and able to come alongside us this month to help in getting the message of God’s transforming grace out to spiritually-needy people? Please donate today.
As you remember and celebrate the birth of our Saviour this Christmas, I hope you remember and celebrate His unbounded and all-sufficient grace available when you needed it most. And remember that same grace is available to all who hear our message and call upon the Lord.
Heralding God’s grace,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS By helping us reach our year-end goal of $430,000, you help provide spiritually-needy people with the opportunity to experience God’s matchless grace.