Our Lord Jesus gave a twofold discipleship challenge.
The first is the like the challenge He gave to Matthew in Matthew 9:9, “Follow me and be my disciple.” This is a call to be set apart, challenged, and taught so we obey Jesus’ teaching. It involves commitment and time to learn and, as a Christian, a desiring to imitate Jesus!
Then as Jesus was preparing to return to the Father He commissioned His disciples, and all of us who would become His disciples, with the task of making disciples throughout the world by going, baptizing, and teaching them to obey God’s Word.
Two challenges: be disciples; make disciples.
Almost 35 years ago, Insight for Living Canada was established to help Canadians be disciples and make disciples—in other words, be someone who follows Christ and be someone who helps others follow Christ.
Because of the clear, accurate, and practical teaching of God’s Word by Chuck Swindoll and the resources of Insight for Living Canada, thousands of lives have been impacted. People have responded to Jesus’ challenges. They have become disciples and they have engaged in the task of making disciples.
Will you give towards our fiscal year-end goal of $225,000 and help strengthen the work we do?
We’re passionate about teaching Canadians about the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit who brings us to Christ by releasing us from our bondage to sin and raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life.
Your support helps us continue spreading this life-saving message.
Making disciples with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please donate to Insight for Living Canada today.