Dear friend,
Someone once said, “Anything this side of hell is sheer grace.”
It’s true. Every breath we take, every beat of our hearts, and all that we are and have are the unearned and unmerited gracious provision of our loving God. Moreover, although we deserved death for our sin God provided His Son to take our penalty so we could be in relationship with Him. Even the unbelieving are daily recipients of good things from His loving hand (Acts 14:17).
Our God is a giver and a provider. His name is Yahweh Jireh, “The Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:14). We sing, “All I have needed thy hand hath provided….” And Paul reminds us, “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
God’s gracious provision to us as believers is both deeper and broader than we ever could imagine. Contemplating such grace to us should elicit at least two appropriate and heartfelt responses.
The first response is to participate in God’s mission. As recipients of grace we are privileged to serve as agents of grace. Having been graciously reconciled to God we now are ambassadors carrying that message to a lost world and making disciples of those who believe (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
That’s what Insight for Living Ministries’ Vision 195 is all about—cultivating biblical knowledge and its application worldwide in places like Canada. It’s what Insight for Living Canada is all about as we broadcast God’s Word and provide biblical resources to Canadians and it’s why your support is so essential.
The second response is living a life of gratitude to God and grace-giving to others. Matthew 10:8 says, “Give as freely as you have received!”
When you think about it, these two responses blend together in a beautiful way. As you give your prayer and financial support to Insight for Living Canada you are an agent of grace in the spreading of God’s Word in our country. Insight for Living Canada is your partner in fulfilling God’s mission.
Let me challenge you to reflect anew on the God who provides and His gracious provision in your life. Allow these truths to seep deep into your heart. Let them fill you with gratitude for all the Lord’s blessings in your life.
Take time to reflect on the blessing of God’s Word to you through Chuck’s teaching through Insight for Living Canada. This too is God’s gracious provision. And maybe it impacted you or a loved one at some point because someone else, as an agent of God’s grace, gave so that God’s Word would be shared with you.
Will you do the same?
Our passion is that God’s Word would continue to be spread through our country in print, on air, and online.
Together we can continue to impact lives with the message of our loving God’s gracious provision.
His agent of grace,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Having received much grace become an agent of grace with your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada today.